John Vrooman
ID # 1450, (1812-1892)
Father | Adam Vrooman (1786-1854) |
Mother | Elizabeth McCowan (1790-1869) |
Birth | John Vrooman was born in 1812. |
Marriage | He married Henrietta (--?--) in 1840. We do not presently have a marriage record for John and Henrietta. The year of marriage, 1840, is approximate, based on the age of their oldest child as of the 1851 census.. |
Marriage | He married Ellen Kellestine in 1857. The year 1857 for the marriage of John Vrooman and Ellen Kellestine is approximate, based on the age of their oldest child Jasper. It also seems reasonable that, with a young family, John married not long after the death of Henrietta. |
Death | He died on 4 June 1892 at Caradoc Twp., Middlesex County. |
Note | Death reg. 010396-92 Caradoc Twp., Middlesex County John Vrooman died June 4, 1892, age 79, paralysis three weeks. Born Ontario. Informant John Vrooman, his son, Caradoc. A note here should be included as to the possible reason that John Vrooman and at least two of his siblings went to Caradoc Township. Refer to microfilm GSU162096. This covers Abstract Indexes for land transactions in Caradoc. At the top of the page for lot 11 in the first concession is shown John 'Vroman' as having purchased the south half of this lot (100 acres) in March of 1853. William H. Coleman, the son of John W. Coleman and Margaret Hayes, who were for a time in Beverly Township and neighbours of John's uncle, Arents Schuyler Depeyester Vrooman, purchased the north half a month later. This may have been coincidental. Much earlier, however, in May of 1831 (the last digit of the year is not entirely legible - it may actually be 1836), John purchased the north half of lot 12 of the same concession. He purchased this from John McCowan. The handwriting is difficult, but 'McCowan' is a reasonable interpretation. Since John's mother was a McCowan, it's probable that John McCowan was a cousin of John Vrooman's. John McCowan has not been found later in any Caradoc records by this researcher. Since John McCowan received this 100 acres as a Crown Grant in 1826, and since 100 acres was the amount of land frequently granted to militia veterans of the War of 1812, this may be a partial explanation for a sequence of events that none-the-less had an extended family element to it and was the occasion for at least some of the Vroomans to settle in Caradoc Township. Certainly, John's brother Charles spent some years there as well as his sister Ann Vrooman Stover. John McCowan/McEwan of Wainfleet, in his petition for land (see petition 182, C-2201) dated 11 June 1819, places his birth in New Brunswick. He also makes reference to his service during the 'late war'. John McEown of Wainfleet is buried in the McEown Family Burial Ground in Wainfleet Township. See Niagara Branch OGS publication 6279, 1986. There are only three (surviving) grave stones: Elizabeth McEown Born: February 17, 1769 Died: October 28, 1848 A Native of New York Patrick McEown Born: March 3, 1752 Died: November 22, 1839 A Native of New York John J. McEown Died August 10, 1865 Aged: 71 years 8 months and 1 day (placing his date of birth as 9 December, 1793.) It should be noted that Patrick McEown of Wainfleet petitioned the Crown for land in 1825. In this petition, he places his birth as being in New Jersey. Adam Vrooman, John Vrooman's father, appears in the 1828 Wainfleet census as well as John and Patrick McEwan. The connection may be coincidental, but since both Elizabeth McCowan Vrooman and John McCowan/McEwan are said to be born in New Brunswick it's probable that there is a family connection. |
Children of John Vrooman and Henrietta (--?--) |
Children of John Vrooman and Ellen Kellestine |
Last Edited | 7 May 2020 |