James Jones

M, ID# 547, (1795-1860)
James & Hannah (Goodale) Jones about 1855(?)
     James Jones was born on 16 April 1795 in Niagara District, Upper Canada. He was the son of Andrew Jones and Anna Mary Slough. Though scarcely 18 years old, James advanced from private to colour sergeant during the War of 1812 and fought in the battles of Queenston Heights, Lundy's Lane and Stoney Creek. He married Hannah Goodale, daughter of Johnson G Goodale and Elizabeth Persall, on 11 March 1817 in Ancaster Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario.1 He lived in Lot 11, Con 3, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario. The north half of this lot passed from James to his son Silvester, then to Silvester's daughter Melinda (m. Daniel Shelly), Lorne Shelly, Clarence Shelly.2 On the 1851 Agricultural Census of Wentworth Twp, James reported holding 150 acres of which 75 were cultivated. He was raising wheat, peas, oats, potatoes and hay. He was also producing wool, maple sugar, cider, cloth, and butter. The livestock included cattle, horses, sheep, and pigs.

When James and Hannah retired from farming, they became keepers of a toll-gate between Troy and Lynden. When someone tried to sneak through without paying, they rang a bell to call them back. This bell is now on display in Rockton, ON.3

He died on 24 July 1860 of inflammation of the kidney4 in Troy, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario, at age 65.5,4 He was buried in Troy Cemetery, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario.5
Last Edited=10 Oct 2018

Children of James Jones and Hannah Goodale


  1. [S170] Ralph Leeming, Register of Marriages and Baptisms in the Gore and London Districts by the Rev. Ralph Leeming, from 1816 to 1827 (1904; reprint Toronto, Ontario: Ontario Historical Society).
  2. [S387] Women's Institute of Troy Ontario, A History of the People of Troy (Hamilton, Ontario: Hamilton Printing Company, 1947).
  3. [S369] Letter from Harley Misener (Brantford, ON) to Violet Broder, 6 Aug 1967; privately held by Faye West (Edmonton, Alberta). LET 001.
  4. [S663] Andrew J Jones, 1861 Census (Beverly, Wentworth County, Canada West), Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.ca
  5. [S368] James Jones & Hannah Goodale Tombstone, Troy Cemetery, Troy, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario; recorded/photographed by Faye West, 14 Apr 2002.
  6. [S68] Troy Cemetery Transcriptions, online (http://www.interment.net/data/canada/ontario/wentworth/bev/…).
  7. [S1653] Letter from Emery Coe Jones (New Westminster, BC) to Clifford Jones, 28 Sep 1958; copy privately held by Faye West (Edmonton, Alberta). Letter contains a hand-drawn chart of descendants of James Jones. Letter details sources of the information., From James William Jones (Emery's grandfather) about 1900.
  8. [S168] James William Jones, Death Certificate unknown number, Ontario Vital Records, Office of the Registrar General, Thunder Bay, Ontario.
  9. [S392] Clement & Misener & Jones Families, Notes of Elizabeth Nowell, 2005, File: Jones, general, privately held by Faye West, Edmonton, Alberta.