Ada Maud Jones
birth registration
Bio of Adam Misener (1798-1901)
Adam Misener bio
from Wentworth Landmarks
Adam Misener
death registration
Adam Misener
Brantford Expositor
16 Sept 1901
Alan Drummond
death registration
Albert Smith
death registration
Aletha Misener
birth registration
Almira (Camp) Isaac
death certificate
Almira (Camp) Isaac
death registration
Alta Main
birth registration
Alven Coleman & Lavinia Himes
marriage registration
Amelia Misener Smith
death registration
Amos Jones
death registration
Amos Jones
funeral announcement
Note written by Amos Jones on wedding day
Andrew Coleman
death registration
Andrew Johnson Jones
birth registration
Andrew Johnson Jones
signature 1854
Andrew Jones
signature 1802
Audrey (Jones) Campbell
death registration
Bernice Jones and Julia Wilson
marriage registration
Bernice Bristol Jones
death registration
Early map of Grantham Twp
showing lots granted to Jacob Bessey
Passenger List of Princess Beatrice
21 Jan 1906
Passenger List of Princess Beatrice
6 Feb 1906
Marion Violet Broder
birth certificate
Marion Violet Broder
Marion Broder & James Doyle
wedding reception invitation
Marion Broder & James Doyle
marriage announcement
Marion Broder & James Doyle
wedding report
Columbian, 22 Jul 1946
Marion Broder & James Doyle
wedding report
Vancouver Sun, 23 Jul 1946
Marion (Broder) Doyle
Lethbridge Herald
10 Jan 1974
Marion (Broder) Doyle
Lethbridge Herald
14 May 1979
Marion Violet Doyle
death certificate
Robert Roswell Broder
affidavit of birth
Robert Roswell Broder
affidavit of birth
Robert Roswell Broder
anniversary letter to Violet (page 2)
Robert Roswell Broder
anniversary letter to Violet (page 1)
Incorporation of Mt Vernon Canning Co
Sale notice for 40 Leopold Place
Robert Broder
magazine article
Robert Roswell Broder
US Citizenship ID
Robert Roswell Broder
Mason membership card
Robert Roswell Broder
death certificate
Robert Roswell Broder
Robert Roswell Broder
death announcement
Robert Roswell Broder
funeral report
Robert Roswell Broder
Newpaper article re plaque
Remembering Robert Roswell Broder
magazine article
John Camp
death registration
Celista Jones & Lorenzo Templeton
marriage registration
Clara Coleman & Franklin Waugh
marriage registration
Clarissa Coleman & George Main
marriage registration
Clarissa (Coleman) Main
death registration
Kezia (Shannon) Coleman
death registration
Conrad Misener
death registration
William Watson Dickson
birth registration
William Dickson
funeral card
Elisia Dodge & John Gray
marriage registration
Flora Dodge & William Gray
marriage registration
George Dodge & Rachel Muma
marriage registration
Helen Dodge & William Fotheringham
James Gordon Doyle
birth certificate
James Gordon Doyle
national registration
James Gordon Doyle & Marion Violet Broder
marriage certificate
James Gordon Doyle
amateur radio operator 1957
James & Marion Doyle with Violet Broder
flight to Hawaii
offer to purchase
James Gordon Doyle
James Gordon Doyle
death certificate
Edgar Earl Jones
birth registration
Edson Jones & Elizabeth Wood
marriage registration
Milton Jones & Madge Bothwell
marriage registration
John Milton Jones
birth registration
Edson Jones
birth registration
Eleanor Harvie Buchanan
birth registration
Eliza Gerrard
birth registration
Elizabeth (Wood) Jones
death registration
Emery Jones
death registration
Orpha Electa Fleming & Alexander Arnold
Orpha Electa (Fleming) Arnold
death registration
Florence Coleman & Victor Steeves
marriage registration
Florence Coleman
birth registration
Franklin Coleman & Mary Ann Corey
marriage registration
George Coleman
death registration
Gladys Mary Goodbrand
birth registration
Gladys Goodbrand & William Dickson
marriage registration
Gladys (Goodbrand) Dickson
Jean Marguerite Goodbrand
birth registration
Jean Marguerite Goodbrand
death registration
Lillian Isabella Goodbrand
birth registration
Lillian Goodbrand
death registration
Lulu Maude Goodbrand
birth registration
Lulu Goodbrand & Harry McCormick
wedding announcement
Minerva May Goodbrand & Robert Davis Kerr
marriage registration
Minerva May Goodbrand
birth registration
Walter Goodbrand family
passenger list
Walter Goodbrand
death registration
Guy Nelson Jones
birth registration
Hannah Celista Templeton
death registration
Hannah (Goodale) Jones
death registration
Harry Coleman & Jane Snyder
marriage registration
(note that the second page is missing from the microfilm)
Harry Coleman
birth registration
Helen Coleman Misener
death registration
Howard Jones
death registration
Ida Coleman and George Davidson
marriage registration
Ida Coleman
birth registration
Isabella (Templeton) Coleman Clark
death registration
James Jones
signature 1859
Loyalist Victualing List
Niagara 1786
James William Jones
death registration
James William Jones' signature 1854
from land transfer James Jones to Sylvester Jones
Jessie (Fulton) Jones
death registration
John Addison Jones
birth registration
John Milton Jones
death registration
Amos Jones & Mary Ann Misener
marriage registration
Andrew Jones
death registration
Elizabeth Jones Shortridge Heath
death registration
Elizabeth Jones Shortridge & Avery Heath
marriage registration
Frank William Jones
birth registration
Hannah Matilda (Jones) Fleming
death registration
Lulu Maud Jones
birth registration
Walter Goodbrand & Lulu Jones
marriage registration
Lulu Maud (Jones) Goodbrand
death registration
Morley De Witt Jones
Violet Faye Jones
birth registration
Violet Jones
birth certificate
Violet Jones
High School Entrance
Robert Roswell Broder & Violet Faye Jones
marriage certificate
Robert Roswell Broder & Violet Faye Jones
marriage certificate
Violet Jones & Robert Broder
marriage announcement
Violet (Jones) Broder
US Citizenship ID
Violet Broder
Canadian passport
Violet Jones Broder
Judson Smith
death registation
Julia (Jones) Smith
death certificate
Lillian Kivell Hawley
funeral card
Doyle/Crawford wedding
Lethbridge Herald
28 Aug 1971
Lucinda Coleman & Judson Smith
marriage registration
Margaret Bothwell
birth registration
Marguerite Jones & Gordon Denholme
marriage announcement
Martin Jones & Louisa Templeton
marriage registration
Martin Jones
death registration
Mary Ann (Misener) Jones
death registration
Mary Ann Jones
funeral record
Mary Jones Betzner
Mary Carty & Patrick Dwyer
marriage registration
Minerva (Mulholland) Jones
death registration
Minerva Jones
death registration
Minerva Jones
funeral announcement
Inscription in book "Hiawatha"
given to Violet Jones in 1909
by Minerva Mulholland Jones.
Eliza Misener & Samuel Kivell
marriage registration
James Aldon Misener
Commonwealth War Graves certificate
John Misener & Margaret (Lathan) Glover
marriage register
Morley Gerrard & Marjorie Scadding
marriage registration
Morley Gerrard
birth registration
Morley Jones & Viola Howey
marriage registration
Morely Jones
attestation papers (front)
Morley Jones
attestation papers (back)
Morley Jones
death registration
James Mulholland & Sarah Tolhurst
marriage registration
James Franklin Mulholland
death registration
John Wesley Mulholland
death registration
Nancy (Mulholland) Coleman
Myrtle Nisbet
birth registration
Nettie Coleman & George Mitchell
marriage registration
Nettie Coleman Mitchell
death registration
Oran Main & Eliza Gerrard
marriage registration
(note that right-hand side of image is missing from microfilm)
Oran Main
birth registration
Peter & Esther Jones
death notice
Phoebe Coleman Dye
death registration
Rachel (Shaver) Mulholland
death registation
Rachel (Kitchen) Jones
funeral card
Ralph Clifford Jones
funeral card
Richard Bisaillon
death registration
Richard Tanner
funeral card (1)
Richard Tanner
funeral card (2)
Rick Tanner
Victoria Times Colonist 11 Feb 2004
Ruth Jones
death registration
Shirley Jones & Ted Daley
marriage announcement
Silvester Jones
signature 1854
Jane (Snyder) Coleman & Thomas Clark
Jane (Snyder) Clark
death registration
Sophia Misener
funeral card
Sophia Misener Kivell
death registration
Bernie Doyle & Stan Broder report cougar siting
The Vancouver Sun
19 Oct 1944
Stan Broder scored a goal
The Columbian
8 February 1946
New Westminster Falcons
Stan Broder back row, third from left
About 1946
Thomas Murphy & Catharine Deryaw
marriage licence & registration
Jacob Tice
death registration
Sarah (Tolhurst) Mulholland
death certificate
Tree drawn by Emery Jones c 1958
based on personal information and
interviews conducted 1900, 1902, & 1934
Viola (Howey) Jones
death registration
Violet Broder's Birthday List
Page 1
Violet Broder's Birthday List
Page 2
Violet Broder's Birthday List
Page 3
Violet Broder's Birthday List
Page 4
Wesley Coleman
death registration
William Coleman
death registration
William Isaac
death registration
William Misener