Margaret Elizabeth Russell

ID # 1888, (1845-1922)
FatherLuther Baltimore Russell (1822-1901)
MotherMary Ann Coffee (1827-1887)
BirthMargaret Elizabeth Russell was born on 10 March 1845 at Stamford Township. 
BaptismShe was baptized on 4 May 1845 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Chippawa. 
MarriageShe married Charles Keller on 29 November 1866 at Welland County.
The following marriage transcription from Welland County marriages is per Mary Crandall's web site:

Page 60 Rev. McLeod of the Church of England

Charles Kaller, 22, Buffalo, Chippawa, s/o Eli & Barbara, married M.E. Russell, 21, Canada, Niagara Falls, d/o Luther & Mary, witn - G.T. Hobbs of Chippawa, 29 November 1866

A church record also exists. See Vital Records of Upper Canada / Canada West, Vol. 1, Part 4, Niagara District 1820-1869, Walker and Stratford-Devai, Global Heritage Press, 2005, page 153.
Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Chippawa, Register C, Marriages 1864-1869.

Charles Keller, of the Village of Chippawa, to Margaret Eliz. Russell, of Niagara Falls. 29 Nov. 1866, Chippawa. Wit. George P. Nobbs, Peter Bartholomy, E.S. Evans and H. Keller.

The Niagara Peninsula Branch of the OGS publication C013, Holy Trinity Church (Chippawa), Reg. C., etc., Marriages 1864-1925, is essentially as recorded by Stratford-Devai, with the exception that Margaret's information appears as:

Margaret Elizabeth Russell, Niagara Falls, U.S.
DeathShe died on 14 June 1922 at Niagara Falls, Ontario, at age 77. 
BurialShe was buried on 17 June 1922 at Fairview Cemetery, Niagara Falls, Ontario. 
NoteBaptismal information is taken from Vital Records of Upper Canada / Canada West, Vol. 1, Part 4, Niagara District, 1820-1869, Walker & Stratford-Devai, Global Heritage Press, 2005, page 148.
Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Chippawa, Register C, Baptisms, 1863-1869

Ascension Day (May 4, 1845) Margaret Elizabeth, born 10 Mar. 1845, daughter of Luther and Mary Russell, Blacksmith of Nigara Falls, N.Y. Sponsors Geo. P. Nobbs and Mary Box.

Death reg. 033618-22 Niagara Falls, Welland County
Margaret Elizabeth Keller died at 66 Morrison Street on 14 June, 1922. Widow. Age 77 yrs., 3 mos., 4 dys. Born 10 March 1845. Parents Luther B. Russell and Mary Coffee. Informant Mrs. George E. Jackson, 66 Morrison Street. Burial Fairview Cemetery, 17 June 1922. 

Children of Margaret Elizabeth Russell and Charles Keller

Last Edited8 May 2018