Schuyler Stewart

ID # 7576, (1804-1884)
BirthSchuyler Stewart was born on 13 March 1804 at United States. 
MarriageHe married Sarah Teeple, daughter of Christopher Teeple and Eleanor Lowery, on 5 March 1836.
For the following see:
Ontario Marriage Notices, Thomas B. Wilson, Hunterdon House, Lambertville, N.J., 1982, page 25.

This is an extraction from the March 9th, 1836 edition of the Christian Guardian of Toronto.

On the 5th inst., the Rev. S. Stewart, Wesleyan preacher & Sarah Teeple, both of Nelson, were married by the Rev. Mr. King.

Census information indicates that Rev. Schuyler Stewart was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

The above does not state the exact place of the marriage, but it was probably held in Nelson Township.
DeathHe died on 25 August 1884 at Ancaster Township, Wentworth Co., at age 80. 
BurialHe was buried at Jerseyville Cemetery, Ancaster Twp.. 
NoteThe date of death for Schuyler Stewart is taken from the transcription of the Stewart gravestone done by the Hamilton branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society of Jerseyville Cemetery in Ancaster Township of Wentworth County. This dates his death to 25 August, 1884, which is at odds with information to be found in Vol. 8 of Donald McKenzie's work Obituaries from the Canada Christian Advocate, 1873 to 1884, Global Heritage Press. Page 220 has an obituary for Schuyler's wife Sarah and a rider to this dates Schuyler's death to December 21, 1884. Where this latter date comes from is unknown. A death registration for Schuyler Stewart does appear below, but as will be seen is no help on the matter.

Death reg. 020200-84 (This may not appear in the Ontario archive's list of registrations until 1885) Ancaster Twp., Wentworth Co.
Schuyler Stewart of death not stated, age not stated (this is recorded as such on the death registration) Clergyman. Methodist. Where born not stated. Physician and informant Dr. M. Foster of Lynden.
What perhaps represents an error on Schuyler's gravestone is that the date of return of the death registration form is August 21st. At that, the death registration that was received by the township registrar almost certainly came by mail. The date of registration as entered by the clerk, in other words the date received, is sequential to the entry of receipt of other death registrations, so this is probably correct. The one thing we may safely say is that Schuyler died long before December 21, 1884, as mentioned above.

The date of Schuyler's birth, as shown in this tree, March 13, 1804, is taken from his age as it appears in the transcription of his gravestone, 80 yrs., 5 mos., 12 dys., but probably the best that may be said is that Schuyler was born in March of 1804.

The 1861 and 1871 censuses show Schuyler's birth as being in the United States. He was an Episcopal Methodist clergyman. 
Last Edited16 Dec 2019