George Husband

ID # 7460, (-1846)
FatherGeorge Husband
MotherElizabeth White
MarriageGeorge Husband married Eleanor Phair on 30 November 1817 at Limerick, Ireland.
The following is as presented by Ancestry in their database, Ireland, Select Marriages, 1619-1898.

Eleanor Phair
Marriage date 30 Nov 1817
Marriage place Cathedral St. Mary, Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.
Spouse George Husband

FHL Film Number 897365

Original data: Ireland, Marriages, 1619-1898. Operations, Inc.: FamilySearch, 2013.
MarriageHe married Mary Phair on 6 June 1823 at Limerick.
Per database Ireland Marriages 1619-1898, GS Film nbr. 874438 (Familysearch)

Marriage 6 June, 1823, at St. John's, Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland. George Husband and Mary Ferr.
MarriageHe married Susan Hoowee
DeathHe died in 1846. 
NoteRefer first to notes for George Husband, the husband of Elizabeth White.

(Note: According to census information, Richard, the son of George Husband and Mary Phair, was born in Ireland in 1826. Daughter Catherine was born in Canada in 1834. We are probably missing some names of children who were born in either Ireland or Canada and who went to early graves.)

Information that we have for George Husband of Pelham Township in the Niagara District isn't substantial. Such as we have appears below and also in the notes for his wives. To this, we may add information gleaned from marriage and death registrations for his children.

Husband family information was entered in this tree years ago. Correspondents have been good enough to point out that solid information for the wives of George Husband is now available. We now know that his first wife was Eleanor Phair and, when Eleanor (Ellen) died in 1821, George then married Mary Phair. Was she Eleanor's sister?

Eleanor's son George Jr., born in 1818, survived to a good age and died in 1901. Son Thomas Husband, born in 1821, almost certainly died in infancy. Richard Husband, hitherto shown in this tree as a son of George's first wife, at the time of entry shown as 'unknown', is now known to be Mary Phair's son.

Richard was born to George and Mary in 1826 and the next listed child that we have, Catharine, was born in 1834. There will almost certainly be children born in the eight years between these two for whom we have no record.

The Phair name was shown in an earlier version of this tree as Thayer. This was based on questionable handwriting. The spelling Phayer does have some currency in Canada in later years, but the surname of Eleanor and Mary in Irish records is presented as Phair.

There was also a third wife, Susan, or Susannah, Hughie, or Huie, or Hoowee. How Susan's surname might have been rendered in later years is for the moment uncertain. Supporting evidence for wife Susan is solid, however her surname may have been rendered. It goes without saying that more research is needed, but evidence is sufficient to provide reasonable information for the following.

First, we refer to the diary of Henry Husband and his entry for October 14, 1907. Your researcher has a transcription of the diary to work with, but Halinet has the images of the original pages. The interested researcher may find the pertinent page at:

The entry of interest is near the bottom of the page.

Henry tells that he has received a letter informing him of the death of his cousin Richard Husband who died about 'a week ago' (Richard died 8 October 1907.) Henry says that Richard was over 80 years of age and the son of his Uncle George. Something of Richard's history is to be found under his own notes.

From this, we may safely say that Henry Husband had an Uncle George Husband.

Beyond this, we do not have a great deal of information about George. We do not know his age at time of death, nor his year of birth. What we may say is that he purchased a quarter acre of lot 15 in the 9th concession of Pelham Township in the Niagara District in 1836. This was not registered until 1839. The sum paid for this piece of property was 25 pounds. (For this, see Pelham Township Abstract Indexes as presented by Familysearch film 008198596, image 102, page 177, available online.) This goes on to show that in 1848 James Husband, George Husband, and Susan Husband, executors and executrix for George Husband sold the property to Benjamin Diffin for 62 pounds. What we may say about this piece of land is that it was either in or near the village of Fenwick in Pelham Township.

For what follows see Pelham Land Register book of deeds, film 008636746, Welland County, Township of Pelham, Deeds OS A, Nbr 3119, page 213, Image 462:

This records the will of George Husband Sr. which, according to the entry in the land register as made by the clerk, was dated 12th October, 1846. The entry indicates that George himself signed the document on this date. This is not an actual copy of the will, but a rather third-person recording of what the land record clerk considered to be the will's main points. (The Archives of Ontario indexes the original will, which will probably include peripheral papers that, among other things, should state George's date of death. This is to be found on the AO's microfilm MS8412. George's will is probably alphabetical on the reel.)

The apparently partial rendering of the will's contents, such as it is, in the Pelham Land Register book does provide us with some good working information.

To summarize:

This refers to George Husband as George Husband Sr., a Saddler.

He bequeaths to his wife Susan a third part of his house and lot.

He bequeaths to at least some of his children a 'child's share'. The children who benefit from this are apparently listed in birth order, namely: George, Catharine, Robert James, Joseph William, Mary Elizabeth, Hannah Jane.

The will is witnessed by William Hanna of Pelham, Yeoman (farmer), and Richard Husband, saddler, of Nelson in the Gore District.

Available information suggests that George Husband had at least three wives, the first we may now say was Eleanor, and then Mary and Susan. See their notes for a discussion of the evidence.

Looking over the list of George's children, such as is presently reconstructed, and considering gaps in the birth years, there were probably other children, at the time of George's death perhaps deceased, and of whom we have no knowledge. We do not have an actual date of George's passing or his place of burial, or a place of burial for his first or second wife. They may be in the Pelham Hicksite Quaker Cemetery, but a transcription of the cemetery done in 1981 shows only a record for his third wife, once we understand that Susan married again after George's death. 

Children of George Husband and Eleanor Phair

Children of George Husband and Mary Phair

Children of George Husband and Susan Hoowee

Last Edited9 Apr 2021