Conrad Misener
ID # 3512, (1803-1882)
Birth | Conrad Misener was born on 2 April 1803. |
Marriage | He married Elizabeth Wells on 30 May 1833. |
Death | He died on 22 October 1882 at Beverly Twp., Wentworth Co., at age 79. |
Burial | He was buried at Troy Cemetery, Beverly Twp., Wentworth Co.. |
Note | Vol 8 , Obituaries From The Canada Christian Advocate (CCA), 1873-1884, Donald A. McKenzie, Global Heritage Press, 2007, page 151, has an obituary for Conrad Misener Sr. from the March 7, 1883 issue of the CCA. It dates Conrad's death to 22 October, 1882, which agrees with the transcription of his stone in Troy Cemetery. It makes mention that he was born 'near Niagara' and that he moved to his farm in Beverly where he spent the rest of his life. Conrad granted land to the Methodist Episcopal Church and to what became the Troy Cemetery, and words to this effect appear in his obituary.
Death reg. 019383-82 Beverly Twp., Wentworth Co. Conrad Misener died Oct. 22, 1882. Age 79. Born Canada. Farmer. Methodist. Physician Mainwarring. Informant Walter Misener, farmer, Beverly. |