William Cordell

ID # 2436
MarriageWilliam Cordell married Marion Dorothy Himes, daughter of Alfred Lawrence Himes and Lottie Victoria Henderson, on 24 July 1943 at St. Clair Avenue United Church, Toronto, York Co..
Two newspaper articles appearing in the Toronto Star provide information for the marriage of Marion Dorothy Himes and William A. Cordell.

Page 18 of the July 19, 1943 edition carries photographs of the couple and tells that they will be married in St. Clair Avenue United Church on July 24. William is shown as a Leading Aircraftsman in the R.C.A.F. and the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cordell. Marion's parents are shown as Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Himes.

Page 21 of the July 24 edition tells of the marriage as happening that same day and that the bridal couple are taking a wedding trip to Muskoka. The rather faded article does tell of family members being involved in the wedding.
Last Edited3 Jun 2021