Robert Emerson Fleming

M, ID# 1754, (1860-1866)
     Robert Emerson Fleming was born on 24 July 1860.1,2 He was the son of Thomas Fleming and Hannah Matilda Jones.2,3 He died on 26 September 1866 at age 6.1,2 He was buried in Troy Cemetery, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario.2
Last Edited=10 Oct 2018


  1. [S68] Troy Cemetery Transcriptions, online (…).
  2. [S371] Thomas Fleming & family Tombstone, Troy Cemetery, Troy, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario; recorded/photographed by Faye West, 14 Apr 2002.
  3. [S366] Descendants of James Jones & Hannah Goodale, manuscript, compiled by Walter Scott Jones; revised by Harley A Misener, privately held by Faye West, Edmonton, Alberta. Online: