Levritt Fleming

M, ID# 1753, (1865-1865)
     Levritt Fleming was born on 15 August 1865.1,2 He was the son of Thomas Fleming and Hannah Matilda Jones.1,2,3 He died on 6 September 1865.1,2 He was buried in Troy Cemetery, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario.2
Last Edited=10 Oct 2018


  1. [S68] Troy Cemetery Transcriptions, online (http://www.interment.net/data/canada/ontario/wentworth/bev/…).
  2. [S371] Thomas Fleming & family Tombstone, Troy Cemetery, Troy, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario; recorded/photographed by Faye West, 14 Apr 2002.
  3. [S366] Descendants of James Jones & Hannah Goodale, manuscript, compiled by Walter Scott Jones; revised by Harley A Misener, privately held by Faye West, Edmonton, Alberta. Online: https://www.fayewest.ca/documents/jones_descendants.pdf