Robert D. Lawrason

ID # 2995, (1823-1896)
FatherRobert Lawrason (1801-1883)
MotherMargaret Carson
BirthRobert D. Lawrason was born in 1823. 
MarriageHe married Amanda Sexton
DeathHe died on 21 April 1896 at Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan. 
BurialHe was buried at Greenwood Cemetery, Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan. 
NoteRobert and Amanda 'Larison' appear in South Dumfries Township, Brant County, in the 1851 census (taken in January of 1852). Their ages are shown as 27 and 18 respectively. Robert is shown as a carpenter. In their household is an infant, Sary Jane, age 1. Since the age question of this census was: What is your age as of your next birthday, the child was probably born in 1851. Sary Jane (or Sarah Jane) has not been found in later years, so she probably did not survive. No record of her death or burial has been found.

Apparently in the same household in this census is another couple with an infant, also shown as age 1. The surname of this couple is nearly indecipherable. They are apparently William and Mary McOnd, or McOnel, with infant Mary of the same surname. William is also a carpenter; he is age 26 and born in Scotland; Mary is the same age and born in Ireland; infant Mary is born in the 'States'.

The 1851 South Dumfries census pages shows the Larisons and McOnels as Methodists, which could be Methodist of any description, but since the Lawrasons, for the most part, were Wesleyan Methodists, and since Bill Martin's Thunder Bay website carries Ida Reed's excellent search engine for the Wesleyan Methodist baptisms, it would seem a good resource for information about these two families. They do not appear on these pages, however.

If indeed the correct name for McConel then they fit the profile of William and Mary McConnell in Rochester, New York, in the 1850 and 1860 censuses. If so, then their sojourn in Canada West would have been brief.

Whether correct or not, since they do not appear to be family, we may leave the McConnells at this point.

The same page of the South Dumfries 1851 census does show a William and 'Prissillla Sexton, ages 43 and 44, as will as a Laura Sexton, age 16, and a Jonathan Sexton, age 13. They are likely family of Amanda Sexton. William Sexton is a farmer and the entire family group is said to be born in Canada.We may be reasonably certain of their connection to Robert and Amanda Lawrason, for they are in Kent County, Michigan, by the 1860 U.S. census as are Robert and Amanda. Add to that, Robert and Amanda have in their household an infant, Pricilla J. Lawrason, age 2 months. 

Children of Robert D. Lawrason and Amanda Sexton

Last Edited10 Jan 2019