Jane E Coleman1

F, ID# 3341, (1843-1890)
     Jane E Coleman was born on 15 October 1843 in Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario.1 She was the daughter of Daniel Coleman and Mary Abel.1 She married Henry Husband on 26 December 1867.1 She died on 6 June 1890 at age 46.1 She was buried in St Judes Anglican Cemetery, Oakville, Ontario.1

The birth places and dates for the children, including their full names, have been taken from the diary of Henry Husband transcribed by Val Husband Brook.1
Last Edited=31 Aug 2010


  1. [S860] Robert Coleman, gedcom file, 09 Jun 2009, Scarborough, Ontario. Gedcom file "Descendants of Catherine Jones."