Susannah Clement1,2

F, ID# 2931, (1816-1886)
     Susannah Clement was born on 6 January 1816 in England.1 She was the daughter of Abraham Clement and Mary O'Brien.3 She married William Mulholland, son of Hugh Mulholland and Mary Wedge.1 She died on 7 June 1886 at age 70.1 She was buried in Troy Cemetery, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario.1
Last Edited=18 Aug 2018


  1. [S644] Susannah Mulholland Tombstone, Troy Cemetery, Troy, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario; recorded/photographed by Faye West, May 2009.
  2. [S404] Mulholland Family, Family Tree, Mar 1986, DOC 004, privately held by Faye West, Edmonton, Alberta.
  3. [S387] Women's Institute of Troy Ontario, A History of the People of Troy (Hamilton, Ontario: Hamilton Printing Company, 1947).