Rose Hamilton
ID# 2086, (1870-1938)
- 1st cousin 3 times removed of Faye Louise Doyle

Sister Mary Thecla's obituary appears on the Sisters of Providence of St Vincent de Paul website.3

Her obituary in The Guardian published by the Sisters of Providence, Kingston, Ontario, on March 1938 read:
"After an illness extending over a few months, Sister M. Thecla departed this life on Monday evening, March 7th. Receiving the last Sacraments of the Church a week previous, her death has since been daily expected. She had the happiness of receiving the last Absolution from the hands of His Grace, Archbishop O’Brien, a few hours before death.
Sister M. Thecla, formerly Miss Rose Hamilton of Westport, was nearly thirty-nine years in the Institute. After her Profession, she spent several years at the Providence and also some years in the Missions of Brockville and Belleville. But it was in her labours for the poor and the orphans at St. Mary’s of the Lake that she distinguished herself. Gifted with a cheerful, generous disposition, no sacrifice was too difficult, no labours too great in order that she might secure their comfort and happiness.
Of her family two sisters survive, Miss Marie Hamilton and Mrs. J. Ryan of Westport. There are also several nieces and nephews, children of her brother, the late Mr. John Hamilton, and of her sister, the late Mrs. Patrick O’Hara of Mount Pleasant, Mich. Her nephew, Reverend Edward O’Hara is Parish Priest of Hart, Mich.
Solemn Requiem Mass will be offered on Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the Chapel of our Mother of Sorrows for the happy repose of her soul, after which her remains will be placed in the vault at St. Mary’s Cemetery."
Sister M. Thecla, formerly Miss Rose Hamilton of Westport, was nearly thirty-nine years in the Institute. After her Profession, she spent several years at the Providence and also some years in the Missions of Brockville and Belleville. But it was in her labours for the poor and the orphans at St. Mary’s of the Lake that she distinguished herself. Gifted with a cheerful, generous disposition, no sacrifice was too difficult, no labours too great in order that she might secure their comfort and happiness.
Of her family two sisters survive, Miss Marie Hamilton and Mrs. J. Ryan of Westport. There are also several nieces and nephews, children of her brother, the late Mr. John Hamilton, and of her sister, the late Mrs. Patrick O’Hara of Mount Pleasant, Mich. Her nephew, Reverend Edward O’Hara is Parish Priest of Hart, Mich.
Solemn Requiem Mass will be offered on Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the Chapel of our Mother of Sorrows for the happy repose of her soul, after which her remains will be placed in the vault at St. Mary’s Cemetery."
The Sisters of Providence Archives has provided some biographical notes for Sister Mary Thecla.2

Last Edited=30 Jun 2020
- [S1428] Volume C, Baptisms, marriages, burials 1868-1886: baptism of Rose Hamilton; pg 47, St Edward the Confessor RC Church, Westport, Leeds & Grenville County, Ontario. Viewed 2012-2018, at, database: Ontario, Roman Catholic Church Records, 1760-1923, img 25.
- [S1997] Sister Mary Thecla, biogrpahical notes, Dec 2018, Sisters of Providence Archives, Kingston, Ontario.
- [S1955] Sister Mary Thecla, Sisters of Providence of St Vincent de Paul website,…
- [S1956] Rose Hamilton (Sister Mary Thecla), Death Registration 015638 (8 Mar 1938), Archives of Ontario, Toronto, York County, Ontario.
- [S303] 1871 Census (Bedford, Addington, Ontario), Library & Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario C-9998, John Hamilton family.
- [S299] 1881 Census (Bedford, Addington, Ontario), Library & Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario C-13235, John Hamilton family.
- [S787] 1891 Census (North Crosby, Leeds, Ontario), Library & Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, John Hamilton family.