Katharina Schul
ID # 8169, (1811-)
Birth | Katharina Schul was born in 1811 at Germany. |
Marriage | She married Valentine Feick. |
Note | Katharina's maiden name is variously spelled. 'Schul' seems to have the edge, but may not be entirely correct. A death registration or sure place of burial for Katharina has not been found. We know she was still living as of the 1891 census in Normanby Township and listed immediately following the household of Leonhard. She is shown as age 81, and, rather one-off, is shown as a Methodist. This is probably an enumerator's error. No certain record of her burial has been found. As noted, husband Valentine is buried in the Evangelical United Brethren Cemetery in Normanby Township, and she is probably buried there. The transcription of this cemetery shows a damaged gravestone, located two stones from that of Valentine's. It reads: Unknown - - - Valentine 1 October 1893 (broken stone) This may be Katharina's stone, though this part of the Normanby world was replete with persons named Valentine. The apparent date of death as shown on this stone has been examined, but, again, no death registration has been found. That Katharina's stone (if her stone it be) is not contiguous with that of Valentine's does not rule out that it is indeed Katharina's. There are some burials of couples in the Evangelical United Brethren Cemetery wherein the stones are continguous, but there are numbers that definitely are not. It may have been a local custom. This cemetery does show two groups of burials, one for children and one for adults. The name Feick does not appear with the children's burials. (We are here, of course, relying on a transcription of this cemetery as done by the Bruce-Grey branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society.) |
Children of Katharina Schul and Valentine Feick |
Last Edited | 12 Mar 2024 |