George Watson
ID # 7397, (1823-1877)
Birth | George Watson was born on 30 May 1823 at Yorkshire, England. |
Marriage | He married Ann Marshall on 5 January 1848 at Nassagaweya Twp., Gore District, Canada West. The marriage of George Watson and Ann Marshall is recorded as occurring in Nassagaweya (Township) on January 5,1848. The ceremony was by banns (almost certainly read before a congregation for three Sundays prior to the marriage). The clergyman was Rev. Matthew Nichols of the Primitive Methodist Church and the witnesses were John Kitchin(g) and David Marshall. Untypically of District marriage registrations, Rev. Nichols recorded where the marriage was performed (in all cases the townships) and since the list covers several townships, we must believe that Rev. Nichols served a circuit. The Wellington District Marriage Register is not with the Archives of Ontario and so does not appear on their microfilm. Rather, the register was found in a bookstore by a perceptive lady who purchased it with her own funds and then donated it to the Wellington County Museum at Fergus. The museum has placed it on microfilm and this was transcribed by Don Walker and Fawne Stratford-Devai and may be had in print or PDF format from Global Heritage Press. |
Death | He died on 11 November 1877 at Nassagaweya Twp., Halton Co., Ontario, at age 54. |
Burial | He was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Nassagaweya Twp., Halton Co.. |
Note | Death reg. 004333-77 Nassagaweya Twp., Halton Co. George Watson died November 11, 1877. Age 54. Farmer. Methodist. Born Yorkshire, England. Physician Dr. McCullough. Informant William Kitching, farmer, Nassagaweya. According to Vol 12 of Donald McKenzie's work, Obituaries from the Christian Guardian, 1896-1900, Global Heritage Press, pages 241-242, John Kitching, born in Westmoreland County, England, in 1809, came to Canada and settled in Nassagaweya. In 1838, he married Ann Watson. John and Ann Watson are present in Nassagaweya in the 1861 census and with them is son William, at the time age 23. This has not been researched, but it seems likely that William Kitching is George's nephew. |
Children of George Watson and Ann Marshall |
Last Edited | 7 Oct 2019 |