John Marjoribanks Lawder

ID # 6920, (1825-1893)
BirthJohn Marjoribanks Lawder was born in 1825 at Scotland. 
MarriageHe married Mary Catherine Alma, daughter of John Lees Alma and Emily Rankin, on 24 August 1848 at St. Mark's Anglican Church, Niagara Town.
See Marriage Notices of Ontario, William D. Reid, Hunterdon House, Lambertville, N.J., 1980, page 251.

This is a marriage notice extracted from 8th September, 1848, edition of the British Colonist newspaper of Toronto, and refers to a marriage held on the 24th ult. (August), at St. Mark's Church at Niagara between John Marjoribanks Lawder, barrister at law, Niagara, and Mary C., the eldest daughter of John Lees Alma, of the same place. The marriage was performed by the Rev. T. Creen.
DeathHe died on 21 September 1893 at St. Catharines, Lincoln Co., Ontario. 
BurialHe was buried at St. Andrews Presbyterian Cemetery, Niagara Town. 
NoteDeath reg. 009955-93 St. Catharines, Lincoln Co.
Jno. M. Lawder died 21st September, 1893, age 68, retired judge.
Presbyterian. Born Scotland. Physician and informant Dr. Clark.

Page 152 of Janet Carnochan's History of Niagara, 1914, tells that J. M. Lawder became mayor of Niagara Town in 1857 and that he was later made judge of the County of Lincoln.

The Canada Directory, 1857-58, Lovell, Montreal, page 472, Niagara, C.W., tells that J. M. Lawder was a barrister, clerk of the peace, and agent for International Life Assurance Company.

John Lawder and his family are in Niagara Town at the time of the 1851 and 1861 censuses. By 1871, the family is in St. Catharines. 

Children of John Marjoribanks Lawder and Mary Catherine Alma

Last Edited14 Mar 2019