Elizabeth (--?--)
ID # 6428, (1729-)
Birth | Elizabeth (--?--) was born in 1729. |
Marriage | She married Jacob Anguish. |
Note | What follows is by no means clear on all points. First, see C-14027, Upper Canada Land Board Minutes and Records, Vol. 6, Nassau District Schedule of grants in Newark, 1793-1794, page 12, entry of 2nd March, 1802, Elizabeth 'Anguis', 200 acres U.E., 12 May 1796. There is probably a further interpretation to this (which eludes your researcher), especially considering the fact that the entry is in the old Nassau Land Board book, which by this time should be obsolete (indeed the community name Newark is now obsolete, the new name being Niagara Town.) For the following see Library & Archives Canada, microfilm C-1887 Vol. 175, Bundle G1, petition 16, 00201-00202. This is a land petition address to John Graves Simcoe and originally sent to the old Nassau District Land Board in 1792. Elizabeth 'Engash' (so spelled) appears to have redirected this to Simcoe in 1794. It tells of having lost her husband 'nearly eight years'. Given that the text is addressed to Simcoe, we will estimate Jacob's death to have occurred in 1786. She tells that Jacob lost his left leg at Niagara due to cruel treatment he received at the hands of the patriots while in prison. At the beginning of the petition, Elizabeth describes herself as a 'late inhabitant of the Susquehannah River'. We have not learned Elizabeth's maiden name. |
Child of Elizabeth (--?--) and Jacob Anguish |
Last Edited | 2 Nov 2020 |