Jacob Anguish

ID # 6427, (1720-1786)
BirthJacob Anguish was born in 1720. 
MarriageHe married Elizabeth (--?--)
DeathHe died in 1786. 
NoteFor the following, see Norman Crowder's Early Ontario Settlers, A Source Book, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1993. Crowder in turn acknowledges the National Archives of Canada as his source for the lists from which a of the Jacob Anguish family members which appear on the 30 November, 1783, list of Loyalists in Capt. George Dame's company in the Corps of Rangers (Butler's Rangers) at Niagara. This is essentially a victualling list - that is to say a list of those receiving rations as provided by the British Army to Loyalist settlers to sustain them until they could provide for themselves. This shows:

Jacob Anguish, 63, one ration
Elizabeth Anguish, 54, one ration
Jacob Anguish, 20
Henry Anguish, 18
Anna Anguish, 16 (Hannah?)
Elizabeth Anguish, 10

Rations for the children are not stated. It's possible that they are included in their parents' portion of rations. It is also possible that they are not yet in Canada.

Jacob and Elizabeth's years of birth are approximated from the above. See notes under Jacob's wife, Elizabeth.

For Loyalist petitions relating to land grants, see notes under wife Elizabeth. 

Child of Jacob Anguish and Elizabeth (--?--)

Last Edited13 Nov 2020