William Coleman

ID # 41, (1792-1873)
FatherUnknown Coleman
Mother(--?--) Unknown
BirthWilliam Coleman was born on 5 October 1792 at New Jersey. 
MarriageHe married Catherine Jones, daughter of Andrew Jones and Mary Slough
DeathHe died on 7 May 1873 at Beverly Township at age 80. 
BurialHe was buried at Troy Cemetery. 
NoteWilliam's daughter, Mary Coleman Dodge, in the U.S. census for 1880, taken at Chesaning, Michigan, states that her father was born in New Jersey. Also, William's death certificate places his birth in New Jersey. The informant of William's death was his son Andrew. The registration said that William had suffered paralysis for two years. There is conflicting information as to the year of William's birth. His death certificate written in May of 1873, dates his death as May 7, and says he was 80, which would place his birth in 1793. Some trees place his birth in 1797. His grave stone, per a transcription done in the 1980s, says he died May 7, 1873, age 80 years, 7 months and 2 days. This would place his birth in 1792. Based on these two records, this tree shows his birth as October 5, 1792. It should be pointed out that an online transcription, plus a transcription done in the 1960s by Harley Misener, reads the year of William's death from his stone as being 1878. This is a problem in the reading of the stone and is unquestionably wrong, for his death registration clearly gives his death as May 7, 1873. Where the transcriptions do agree is as to his age, namely 80 years, 7 months and 2 days.

A microfilm exists showing Troy Cemetery's transcription said to have been done originally by Harley Misener, but updated by a group. They show William's death as May 7, 1873, age 80 years, 7 months and 2 days. Given that this date agrees with William's death registration, this is considered to be an accurate transcription. (Apparently the transcription done by Harley Misener was part and parcel of the work done by the Hamilton branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society and was included when they did the Troy Cemetery transcription. Years ago, a copy of Harley's original transcription was obtained - source long forgotten. Harley's transcription is alphabetical. Apologies if anything in this statement fails accuracy.)

According to the Abstract Indexes for Beverly Township, John Coleman transferred the ownership of half of lot 6 on the 3rd concession to William Coleman on 9 March 1822.

In the 1861 census, it is a year after Catherine's death and William is with Andrew and Isabella. This may well have been the original farm. William is listed as 64 which is at odds with the 1871 census, his death record and the dates on his stone.

In the 1825 assessment taken at Beverly, William is said to have living in his household: 2 males under 16; 2 females under 16; 2 males over 16; 1 female over 16. This doesn't work considering what we know of his family. It's possible that there were other family living with them at the time, or perhaps workers. This will never likely be resolved.

William Coleman served in the 2nd Regiment of York Miltia during the War of 1812. It's interesting that at times different soldiers, mainly privates though occasionaly a sergeant, would be marked in the payrolls as having deserted. Occasionally, whole blocks of men are marked as having deserted. Other researchers indicate that this was rather more in the manner of having gone Absent Without Leave. Here and there, a soldier is marked as having deserted only to turn up on the payroll at a later date. In the case of William and several of his neighbours, they left the lines late in 1814. See the beginning of microfilm T-10384. This is available online from Canada Archives. The war was winding down by this time and these men, who were mainly farmers, had other things to do at home. Certainly, a few years later, William received a recommendation when leasing a Clergy Reserve. The recommendation came from a former commanding officer in the militia and stated that 'he had done his duty in the recent war.' 

Children of William Coleman and Catherine Jones

Last Edited7 Dec 2020