Alexander McRoberts

ID # 3504, (1830-1899)
FatherJohn McRoberts (1805-1845)
MotherUnknown (--?--) (-1840)
BirthAlexander McRoberts was born in 1830 at Carrickfergus, Ireland. 
MarriageHe married Ruth Sager, daughter of Malachi Sager and Sarah Dean, on 26 May 1852.
The following record of marriage is to be found in
Flamborough Marriage Records
Records from the former townships of
Beverly, and East and West Flamborough

89. Alexander McRobert/ Troy, Beverly Township/ Merchant
Ruth Sager/ Beverly Township
Married: 26 May 1852/ Rev. S. Morrison
Canada Christian Advocate: 7 July 1852

The above information is provided by the Waterdown-East Flamborough Heritage Society
Printed by the Society on Heritage Happenings Press,
Waterdown, Ontario.
June 1999.
DeathHe died on 17 October 1899 at Toronto, York Co., Ontario. 
Last Edited11 Aug 2019