Hannah Van Tock
ID # 3290, (1740-1825)
Birth | Hannah Van Tock was born in 1740. |
Marriage | She married Michael Showers. |
Death | She died on 5 July 1825 at Barton Township, Gore District, Upper Canada. |
Note | At the time Michael Showers wrote his will, 5th April, 1796, his wife Hannah was still living.
The date of Hannah's death, 5 July, 1825, is extracted from The Niagara Gleaner, the edition of July 30, 1825. This in turn is from volume two of the Niagara Papers, compiled by W. Craig Burtch in 2008 and published by The Global Heritage Press in 2012. See page 33. This tells that she died at the home of John Aikman in Barton Township. John was Hannah's son-in-law by way of his marriage to her daughter Hannah. The obituary tells that she was 87 and a widow for 29 years. |