Phoebe Alice Baynes-Reed

ID # 3230, (1873-1942)
FatherEdmund Baynes-Reed (1838-1916)
MotherMargaret Ann Phoebe Lawrason (1840-1917)
BirthPhoebe Alice Baynes-Reed was born on 13 October 1873 at City of London, Middlesex County, Ontario. 
MarriageShe married Douglas Clermont Livingston on 24 June 1908 at Christchurch Cathedral, Victoria, B.C..
Per Familysearch,
British Columbia Division of Vital Statistics
Marriage Registrations, GR2962 Vol. 016, nbr. 6461, 1908
Douglas Clermont Livingston, 31, bachelor, mining engineer, born Wanstead, England, residing Sonora, Mexico. Parents Clermont and Mary Ellen Livingston.
Phoebe Alice Baynes Reed, 34, spinster, born London, Ont., residing Victoria. Parents Edmund and Margaret Ann Phoebe Baynes-Reed.
Witnesses Mary A. Livingston, Duncan, B.C., and E. Baynes-Reed, Victoria.
Religious denomination of both Church of England.
Married by Archdeacon Scrivner, by banns, at ChCh Cathedral (Christ Church Cathedral), Victoria, B.C.
The document is signed by Austin Scrivner.
DeathShe died on 10 October 1942 at Comox, British Columbia, at age 68. 
BurialShe was buried on 12 October 1942 at Sandwick Cemetery, Courtenay, B.C.. 
NoteBirth reg. 012881-73 City of London, Middlesex County
Phoebe Alice born October 13, 1873. Parents Edmund Bayns Reed and Margaret Ann Phoebe Lawrason. Informant Edmund Bayns Reed, barrister, North St. Registered on 13 December, 1873.

Phoebe's birth registration dates her birth to October of 1873; her death registration dates it to September of the year. Her father registered the birth in December and he may have made a mistake.

According to an obituary for William Baynes-Reed which appear on pages 1 and 2 of the Toronto Daily Star, January 27, 1939, he was survived by three sisters, one of them being Mrs. Alice Livingston of Comox, B.C.

Death Registration GR2951 Vol. 613, nbr. 6778
Province of British Columbia, Registration of Death
Place of death, Comox, B.C., St. Joseph's Hospital
Phoebe Alice Livingston.
Length of stay in municipality where death occurred 7 years; in province 7 years. In Canada life.
Married, born Ontario on September 13, 1873. Age 69 years and 27 days. Housewife.
Name of husband Douglas Clermont Livingston of Comox, B.C., who was also the informant.
Date of death October 10, 1942. Date of burial October 12, 1942, Sandwick, B.C.

This cemetery is variously described. Apparently, the community name is Courtenay; while the cemetery seems to be referred to as Sandwick Cemetery, other names are Comox Valley Anglican and St. Andrews Sandwick Anglican. 
Last Edited15 Jan 2019