Margaret Emily Young

ID # 1004
MarriageMargaret Emily Young married Fellman Van Vliet Snell, son of Alvin C. Snell and Gertrude Lillian Fellman, on 6 September 1933 at Knox College Chapel, Toronto, Ontario.
Information about the marriage of Dr. Fellman Van Vliet Snell and Margaret Emily Young is taken from the September 6, 1933, edition of the Toronto Star. The article is a forecast of a marriage to take place that evening and is written in the future tense. Margaret's parents are shown as the late Mr. and Mrs. William D. Young. Apparently, both are deceased, for she is given away by her uncle, Dr. George Sills Young. His wife, Mrs. George S. Young is shown as officiating at the reception. Fellman Van Vliet Snell is referred to as a doctor. His parents are shown as Mr. and Mrs. C. Alvin Snell. Fellman's siblings, Miss Delight Snell and Grant Snell, are members of the wedding party. The article goes on to say that at a later date the bride and groom will sail for England where Dr. Snell will engage in a year of post-graduate work.
NoteA son of Margaret's provides the following information: Her parents were Dr. and Mrs. William Daniel Young. Both were deceased at the time of Margaret's marriage to Fellman. Dr. Young was a physician in the beach area of Toronto who contributed much pro bono time to providing medical care for children in the Beach area. Dr. Young is said to have died during the flu epidemic of 1918. Grateful residents of the Beach area erected a memorial to Dr. Young at Kew Gardens in Toronto. This is in the form of a very attractive drinking fountain, a photo and story for which may be found on Wikipedia. 
Last Edited7 Nov 2017