John Peter Larson

ID# 875, (1864-1945)
John Larson
      John Peter Larson was born on 25 October 1864 in Yttre, Bergsjo, Gauleborg, Sweden. He was the son of Jonas Olof Larsson and Margaret Olson. His birth name was Pehr Johan. He adopted the Anglicised version after immigrating to the US.1 He arrived in United States on 19 May 1866 with Jonas Olof Larsson and Margaret Olson and Christina Helena Larson.1 He lived with Jonas Olof Larsson and Margaret Olson and Christina Helena Larson in Isanti, Isanti County, Minnesota, between 1867 and 1882 after which they moved to Aurora, Sevier County, Utah.1 He married Sarah Alice Clements, daughter of James Edward Clements and Sarah Alice Beebe, on 1 August 1890 in Aurora, Sevier County, Utah. He and Sarah Alice Clements lived in Aurora, Utah, until 1903 when they immigrated to Raymond, Alberta. He died on 14 March 1945 in Raymond, Alberta, at age 80. He was buried on 17 March 1945 in Temple Hill Cemetery, Raymond, Alberta.

More details on the Larsson/Larson family are here.

A brief history of the Larson & West families is here.
Last Edited=23 Jun 2014

Children of John Peter Larson and Sarah Alice Clements


  1. [S519] The Larsson Family in America, Manuscript, 1981, FAM 006, Copy privately held by Faye West, Edmonton, Alberta.