William Ellingson

ID# 5298, (1919-1919)
Nephew of June Hall
     William Ellingson was born on 14 May 1919 in Calgary, Alberta.1 He was the son of Berg Ellingson and Mary Elizabeth Hall.2,3 He died on 14 May 1919 in Calgary, Alberta.1
Last Edited=20 Oct 2013


  1. [S1703] Earl Hugh Ellingson, Biography, FamilySearch website, www.familysearch.org, https://familysearch.org/photos/stories/2049793/…, viewed on 19 Oct 2013.
  2. [S1715] Mary Elizabeth Hall, Family Tree (FamilySearch website), https://familysearch.org/tree/…, viewed on 20 Oct 2013.
  3. [S1714] Berg Ellingson, Family Tree (FamilySearch website), https://familysearch.org/tree/…, viewed on 20 Oct 2013.