Catherine Jones

F, ID# 566, (1798-1860)
Catherine (Jones) Coleman
     Catherine Jones was born on 31 August 1798 in Thorold/Grantham, Niagara District, Upper Canada.1,2 She was the daughter of Andrew Jones and Anna Mary Slough.1 She married William Coleman in 1813.3 She died on 13 November 1860 in Troy, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario, at age 62. She was buried in Troy Cemetery, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario.2
Last Edited=30 Aug 2010

Children of Catherine Jones and William Coleman


  1. [S177] John A Cornell, Pioneers of Beverly (1889; reprint Galt, ON: The Highland Press, 1967).
  2. [S605] Thomas Waugh Jones, "Jones Lineage & History", 1932. Copy privately held by Faye West, Edmonton, Alberta.
  3. [S26] Joni Hamilton Peffers, Family Website, "Hamilton/Peffers Family Home Page" (… : accessed 10 Jan 2006).
  4. [S860] Robert Coleman, gedcom file, 09 Jun 2009, Scarborough, Ontario. Gedcom file "Descendants of Catherine Jones."