Lucinda Rosa Coleman1

F, ID# 3600, (1875-1875)
     Lucinda Rosa Coleman was born on 10 July 1875 in Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario.2 She was the daughter of James M Coleman and Kezia Shannon.1 She was known as Irene Rose. She died on 15 October 1875 in Beverly Twp, Ontario.3

There is a conflict between this child's name on her birth and death registration although there can be no doubt that it is the same child. On her birth registration her name is Irene Rose. On her death registration, her name is Lucinda Rosa.1
Last Edited=31 Aug 2010


  1. [S860] Robert Coleman, gedcom file, 09 Jun 2009, Scarborough, Ontario. Gedcom file "Descendants of Catherine Jones."
  2. [S860] Robert Coleman, gedcom file, 09 Jun 2009, Scarborough, Ontario. Gedcom file "Descendants of Catherine Jones", birth registration 024526-75.
  3. [S860] Robert Coleman, gedcom file, 09 Jun 2009, Scarborough, Ontario. Gedcom file "Descendants of Catherine Jones", death registration 015425-75.