Charles Coleman

M, ID# 1751, (1853-1891)
     Charles Coleman was born on 22 October 1853.1 He was the son of Daniel Coleman and Mary Abel.2 He married Florence Nancy Mulholland, daughter of Hugh A Mulholland and Lucinda M Misener.3 He died on 10 August 1891 in Port Huron, St. Clair County, Michigan, at age 37.2,4,1 He was buried in Troy Cemetery, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario.1

The story is that Charles died as the result of a 'train accident' in Port Huron, Michigan. Whether this was the result of a train wreck or an employee accident is undetermined. He was returned to Troy for burial.2
Last Edited=18 Aug 2018

Children of Charles Coleman and Florence Nancy Mulholland


  1. [S607] Charles Coleman Tombstone, Troy Cemetery, Troy, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario; recorded/photographed by Faye West, June 2009.
  2. [S860] Robert Coleman, gedcom file, 09 Jun 2009, Scarborough, Ontario. Gedcom file "Descendants of Catherine Jones."
  3. [S608] Nancy Mulholland Coleman Tombstone, Troy Cemetery, Troy, Beverly Twp, Wentworth County, Ontario; recorded/photographed by Faye West, June 2009.
  4. [S68] Troy Cemetery Transcriptions, online (…).
  5. [S877] Harry Coleman & Jane Snyder, Marriage Registration unknown number, Ancestry,