John Charles Hamilton1
ID# 5429, (1918-1975)
- 1st cousin 2 times removed of Faye Louise Doyle
John Charles Hamilton was born in 1918.2,1 He was the son of William Gordon Hamilton and Caroline Olga Fahey.1 He married Doreen Anne Donnelly.2 He died in 1975.2,1 He was buried in St Edward's Cemetery, Bedford Twp, Frontenac County, OntarioG.2

Last Edited=12 Feb 2018
- [S1826] Mike Farrell, "Children of Dr. William G Hamilton," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Faye West, 8 May 2016.
- [S1885] W Gordon Hamilton & family Tombstone, St Edward's Cemetery, Westport, Leeds & Grenville County, Ontario.