Michael John Jordan

ID# 4835, (1910-)
     Michael John Jordan was born on 15 September 1910 in Lot 15, Con 5, South Crosby Twp, Leeds & Grenville County, Ontario.1 He was the son of William Andrew Jordan and Elizabeth Grant.1

Census Records

YearPlaceHead of Household
1921South Crosby Twp, Leeds County, OntarioWilliam Andrew Jordan2
Last Edited=21 May 2019


  1. [S1209] Michael John Jordan, Birth Registration 027466 (22 Nov 1910), Ancestry, http://www.ancestry.ca
  2. [S1979] 1921 Census (South Crosby, Leeds, Ontario), Library & Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, William Jordan family, page 5, line 15.