Charles Barton Liming

ID# 4630, (1900-1987)
     Charles Barton Liming was born on 8 December 1900 in Virginia.1,2 He married Mary Ellen Hamilton, daughter of James Lewis Hamilton and Mary Lavina Stewart, in 1927, probably in Rugby, Pierce County, North Dakota.1 He was left a widower when Mary Ellen Hamilton died on 25 July 1986.3,4 He died on 8 September 1987 in Pierce County, North Dakota, at age 86.2

Census Records

YearPlaceHead of Household
1930Rugby, Pierce County, North DakotaCharles Barton Liming1
Last Edited=10 Feb 2013


  1. [S1038] Charles B Liming, 1930 U.S. Census (Rugby, Pierce County, North Dakota), Ancestry,
  2. [S1558] North Dakota, online database, "North Dakota Public Death Index" (… : accessed 2012), entry for Charles B Liming.
  3. [S1639] Mary Ellen Liming, Death Certificate 86 003160 (1 Aug 1986), North Dakota Dept of Health, Bismark, North Dakota.
  4. [S126] Social Security Death Index, online (
  5. [S1035] Debbi Lyon-Kirwan, database report, 28 Dec 2010, Twisp, Washington. FTM report "Descendants of James Lewis Hamilton."