Anna Rita Frances Hayes
ID# 2361, (1920-1993)
- 3rd cousin 1 time removed of Faye Louise Doyle
Anna Rita Frances Hayes was born in 1920. Her tombstone gives her birth year as 1919.1,2 She was the daughter of James Gerard Hayes and Marcella Ellen Kelly. She was known as Rita.1 She died in 1993.2 She was buried in Philipsville Catholic Cemetery, Philipsville, Leeds & Grenville County, OntarioG. With her grandparents Denis Kelly & Frances Dunn.2

Last Edited=8 Oct 2021
- [S2074] Becci Hayes, "Kelly/Dunn gravestone in Philipsville," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Faye West, 11 Sep 2020.
- [S77] Dennis Kelly & Frances Dunn Tombstone, Philipsville Catholic Cemetery, Philipsville, Leeds & Grenville County, Ontario; recorded/photographed by Faye West, 19 Jun 2003.