George James Begley1

ID# 2348
Descendants of Michael Doyle (c1823-1878)
Descendants of Martin Dunn (died c 1847)
2nd great-grandson of Michael Doyle
2nd great-grandnephew of James Doyle
3rd cousin of Faye Louise Doyle
     George James Begley is the son of George Begley and Kathryn Ann Doyle.1 He married Julia Louise Beland on 18 November 2005 in Mexico.2
Last Edited=20 Mar 2012


  1. [S282] Letter from Gertrude Phelan (Richmond Hill, Ontario) to Faye West, 24 Nov 2003; privately held by Faye West (Edmonton, Alberta). file: Doyle, general.
  2. [S527] Kathryn Begley, "Update for family tree DOYLE," e-mail message from e-mail address (North Bay, Ontario) to Faye West, 18 Jul 2008.
  3. [S1447] Kathryn Begley, "My Genealogy Pages - Main Page," e-mail message from e-mail address (North Bay, Ontario) to Faye West, 20 Mar 2012.