Daniel Knapp

ID # 9678, (1864-1864)
FatherJohn Smith Knapp (1821-1902)
MotherJane Scott (1825-1905)
BirthDaniel Knapp was born on 21 May 1864. 
DeathHe died on 26 August 1864. 
BurialHe was buried at Union Cemetery, Merrickville, Wolford Twp., Grenville County. 
NoteDaniel Knapp is buried in Union Cemetery in Merrickville with his parents. Merrickville's Union Cemetery was recorded by the Leeds & Grenville branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society at Brockville. The preamble to the transcription simply states that the work was first done in the 1970s. It was done again in 1989. Daniel is simply recorded as a son of John and Jane. His date of death is shown as August 26, 1864. His age at death is shown as 3 months and 5 days. His date of birth is calculated from this. His birth, by some years, predated such things as birth registrations.

We are not told where Daniel was born or where he died. It does seem probable that he was born and died in Montague Township in Lanark County. Certainly, the family was located there as of the 1861 and 1871 censuses.

Was Daniel baptized? Probably. See link for the baptisms of Daniel's siblings:

The Montague Township pages are numbered and the bottom of a Montague page will refer to the number of the next Montague page. The last Montague page to be found, that covering the 1864 era, is very broken in terms of time periods for baptisms reported. Not all clergy were interested in making these returns. Some were. These pages are excellent records, but they should not be treated as being anything like complete. 
Last Edited29 May 2024