Elizabeth Munzett Baker

ID # 9325, (1865-1940)
BirthElizabeth Munzett Baker was born on 18 July 1865 at Brantford, Brant Co., Canada West. 
MarriageShe married Joseph Lewis Wismer, son of Philemon Wismer and Mary Ann Miller, on 9 July 1885 at Gore Bay, Gordon Twp., Manitoulin District.
Joseph Lewis Wismer provided the date and location of marriage - 9 July, 1885, Gore Bay - for himself and his wife Elizabeth. He did this when he submitted a delayed registration of birth for his son Harold in 1924. Marriage records for the Manitoulin and Algoma Districts have been searched without success for their marriage registration. There is some discussion as to Elizabeth's maiden name. See notes for Elizabeth.
DeathShe died on 5 May 1940 at Mindemoya, Manitoulin Island, Algoma East, at age 74. 
BurialShe was buried on 7 May 1940 at Gordon Cemetery, Gordon Twp., Manitoulin Island. 
NoteRev. Fretz in his 1893 Wismer history on page 302 notes that Joseph Lewis Wismer married Lizzie Monzzeth. The date of the marriage or the location is not given. Son Harold filed her death registration in 1940. He shows her name as Mrs. Joseph Lewis Wismer (Elizabeth Munce). The birth years of Joseph and Elizabeth, 1860 and 1865, predate civil registrations.

It should be mentioned here that son Harold then goes on to state that Elizabeth's mother's name was Elizabeth Munce.

This brings us to the birth registrations for the children of Joseph and Elizabeth. The early births were not registered at the time. Delayed registrations were filed later. Joseph filed a delayed registration of birth for his son Harold in 1924. The questions on the form include the date and place of the parents' marriage. Joseph himself answers this by stating that there were married on July 9th, 1885, at Gore Bay. He then goes on to provide the maiden name of Harold's mother as Elizabeth M. Baker.

In 1942, Ida Jane Morris, Joseph's sister, supplies birth information for Joe's daughter Olive. In this, she states the name of Olive's mother to be Elizabeth Munzett Baker.

It seems safe to say that Baker was Elizabeth's maiden name. Was 'Munzett' a middle name? Was Elizabeth previously married and then widowed while still quite young? There may be more to the story, but, for the time being, showing her name as Elizabeth Munzett Baker will have to do until more information can be obtained.

Death reg. 023492-40 Mindemoya, Manitoulin Island, Algoma East District
Mrs. Joseph Lewis Wismer (Elizabeth Munce) died May 5, 1940, age 74 yrs., 9 mos., 17 dys. Born Brantford, Ont., July 18, 1865. Housewife. Husband Mr. J. L. Wismer. Father Mr. Benjamin Borth Baker, born Nova Scotia. Mother Elizabeth Munce, born Scotland. Cause of death automobile accident.
Physician Dr. F.A. Strain of Gore Bay. Informant H. S. Wismer, 253 Queen's Ave., London, Ont., son.
Burial Gordon, Ont., May 7, 1940. 

Children of Elizabeth Munzett Baker and Joseph Lewis Wismer

Last Edited20 Apr 2023