Elizabeth Wurts
ID # 9272, (1801-1850)
Birth | Elizabeth Wurts was born on 25 September 1801. |
Marriage | She married Jacob Wismer, son of David Wismer and Lydia Everett, on 3 February 1823. Rev. Fretz, on page 295 of his Wismer family genealogy, tells that Jacob Wismer and Elizabeth Wurts were married on February 3, 1823. |
Death | She died on 3 November 1850 at age 49. |
Burial | She was buried at Ramer Cemetery, Markham, Canada West. |
Note | Fretz, on page 295 of his Wismer genealogy, tells that Elizabeth Wurts was born on Sept . 27, 1801, and that she died in fall of 1850. Her gravestone in Ramer Cemetery dates her death to November 3rd, 1850, and tells that her age was 49 years, 1 month, and 9 days. This calculates to her date of birth being Sept. 25, 1801, and is so shown in this tree. Her gravestone also identifies her as the daughter of John Wurts. Ramer Cemetery in the town of Markham, Ontario, is a very small one and located on private property. It is quite easily accessable, or at least it was as of three or four years ago when visited by your researcher. Most of the stones are assembled in a flat concrete cairn. Certainly, the gravestone for Elizabeth was emminently readable. The York Region branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society provides a transcription of this small cemetery and the earliest recording dates back to 1969. Recorded are the children of Jacob and Elizabeth, namely Anna, Enos, Abraham, and Lewis Levi, all of whom died quite young. The stones, as they appear in either the cairn or the transcription are not all contiguous, but the cemetery is so small that neither are they far apart. Jacob's name does not appear on the surviving gravestones. He may well be buried here, but his burial information has yet to be found. Three of the young children buried here, Anna, Enos, and Abraham, all died in February of 1843, probably the result of an epidemic. |
Children of Elizabeth Wurts and Jacob Wismer |
Last Edited | 1 Jan 2023 |