Mary Lillian Aitchison

ID # 8667, (1879-1941)
FatherJohn Robertson Aitchison (1848-1904)
MotherJane Hamilton (1854-1919)
Foster FatherWilliam E. Henderson (1849-1924)
Foster MotherMartha Davidson (1864-1941)
BirthMary Lillian Aitchison was born on 8 November 1879 at Burford Township, Brant Co.. 
MarriageShe married John William Rhodey, son of John Rhodey and Mary Louise Schaff, on 23 December 1903 at Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Co..
Mrge reg. 018809-03 Waterloo Twp., Waterloo Co.
John M. Rhodey, 24, bachelor, farmer, Presbyterian. Born Waterloo (County?), residing North Dumfries. Parents John Rhodey and Mary Wolfe.
Mary L. Acheson, 24, spinster, Presbyterian. Born Brant (County?), residing Waterloo Twp. Parents John Acheson and Jane Hamilton.
Witnesses Wm. Acheon of Brantford and Mary Rhodey of Waterloo Twp.
On December 23, 1903, at Waterloo Twp. by J. R. Johnston.

The clergyman's name has a numerical stamp on top of his surname, but does appear to be Johnston, and this will be correct. To hand is a transcription of baptisms for the Presbyterian charge of Doon and Hespeler and during the era when John and Mary were married, J. R. Johnston was the clergyman.
DeathShe died on 28 December 1941 at Dickie Settlement, North Dumfries Twp., Waterloo Co., at age 62. 
BurialShe was buried on 31 December 1941 at Old Blair Memorial Cemetery, Blair, Waterloo Twp.. 
NoteBirth reg. 001929-80 Burford Twp., Brant Co.
Mary Lillian Aitchison born 8th November, 1879. Parents John Robertson Aitchison, farmer, and Jane Hamilton. Physician Dr. R. Harbottle. Informant John Robertson Aitchison, farmer, Burford. Filed on 13th January, 1880.

Mary Lillian, age 1, is shown with her parents and older siblings in Brantford Township of Brant County in the 1881 census. The family was Presbyterian.

The 1891 census has Mary, age 11, enumerated twice. She is with her birth parents in Brantford (see page 23, Dist. B, Div. 1) and with William and Martha Henderson in the Township of Waterloo South (see page 5, Div. 1). Here, she is again shown as age 11 and as a domestic. Her surname does appear as Aitchison, though it is very poorly written.

In the 1901 census, she has only been found with William and Martha Henderson. She is shown as Mary L. Aitchison, age 21, and as a niece of the Hendersons.

When Mary married John Rhody in 1903, it was also under her birth name Aitchison. When she died in 1941, her son William Rhodey filed her death registration and showed her father as John Aitchison. This same year, Mary's adoptive mother, Martha Davidson Henderson, died as well. Here, William Rhodey was also the informant and he refers to his connection to Martha as her grandson.

This agrees with a mention made by a family member, decades ago, to your researcher to the effect that Mary was adopted. It does appear as though the adoption was informal.

Death reg. 037031-41 North Dumfries Twp., Waterloo Co.
Mrs. Mary Rhodey died December 28th, 1941, at North Dumfries Township, RR2 Galt, Dickie Settlement. Residence same. Married. Born Ontario on November 8th (year not given). Age 62. Housewife. Husband John Rhodey. Father John Aitchison, born Ireland; mother Don't know. Born Scotland. Physician Dr. W. G. Miller. Informant Wm. Rhodey, 96 St. Andrew's Street, Galt., son.
Burial December 31, 1941, at Blair.

Mary's birth father, John Aitchison, was born in Scotland; her mother was born in Canada. The address shown for William Rhodey, Mary's son, is not his residence, but that of the Harold W. Gray Funeral Home. This same address was later that of what became known as Coutts Funeral Home. 

Children of Mary Lillian Aitchison and John William Rhodey

Last Edited9 Dec 2024