Jeremiah Dawdy

ID # 8525, (1800-1887)
BirthJeremiah Dawdy was born on 1 October 1800 at Pelham Township, Niagara District. 
MarriageHe married Sarah Ann Vansickle in 1830.
For what little information we have for the marriage of Jeremiah Dawdy and Sarah Ann Vansickle, see notes for Jeremiah.
DeathHe died on 19 September 1887 at Ancaster Twp., Wentworth Co., at age 86. 
NoteSome of what follows is taken from page 108 of Volume 10 of Rev. Donald A. McKenzie's Obituaries from the Christian Guardian, 1884-1890, Global Heritage Press, Milton (now of Ottawa), 2011.

Another source is Ancaster's Heritage, Vol. 1, 1973, The Ancaster Township Historical Society. Page 293 is based on information presented by Mrs. S. Ferguson and relates to information provided for lot 32 of Concession 5, Ancaster Township.

First as to the Christian Guardian's obituary which appeared in their edition of November 23, 1887, page 745. This tells that Jeremiah was born on October 1, 1800, in Pelham Township and that he died on October 9, 1887 (see death registration below for what is almost certainly the correct date.) It goes on to say that he settled some 70 years previously in Ancaster Township. He was predeceased by his wife Sally Ann Vansickle and by four children. It tells that he is survived by three sons and five daughters. Aside from mentioning that two of his daughters were married to Methodist ministers, Rev. S. L. Kerr and Chas. Brown, it tells us nothing else.

Now to Mrs. Ferguson's contribution by way of Ancaster's Heritage:

This is somewhat at variance, for it tells that Jeremiah was born in Clinton Township. Both Clinton and Pelham were in the old Niagara District. Later, Clinton was in Lincoln County and Pelham in Welland County. There certainly was a presence of Dawdys in Pelham, for Hillside Cemetery at Ridgeville in Pelham Township was hitherto known as Dawdy's Cemetery. There were also Dawdys in Clinton, however, for there are burial records for them in Mountview Cemetery in Clinton.

For the moment, we will give Pelham the edge so far as Jeremiah's birthplace is concerned, but this is subject to change.

Mrs. Ferguson then goes on to name the children of Jeremiah and Sarah Ann and they are listed here for it is possible to provide a degree of verification. The names provided are:

Israel, Susannah, Abram, Sarah, Huldah, Nancy, Candace, Mary, Clarissa, and Bristol.

Mrs. Ferguson also names Jeremiah, Joseph, and Solomon, who died in infancy.

Jeremiah Jr., Joseph, and Solomon are reasonably verifiable. The Hamilton branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society does provide a transcription of a stone in White Brick Church Cemetery, Ancaster, that shows the names of Jeremiah and Solomon. Find-a-Grave shows the name of Joseph on the stone, though the stone is worn and a clear read of the stone is difficult. In 2002, Gloria Pare of did a transcription and picked up Joseph's name. Apparently Joseph and Solomon were twins for they are shown as being born on the same day.

It should be said here that the available transcription of White Brick Cemetery (provided by the Hamilton branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society) tells that young Jeremiah's gravestone is the earliest burial recorded (died April 14, 1846) in the cemetery. He and Solomon are shown as buried with their mother. Joseph appears to be buried there as well. Also, almost certainly buried here is Jeremiah Dawdy Sr. Sarah died in 1884 and is recorded on a gravestone. Jeremiah died in 1887, but a record for his burial has yet to be found. The obituary from the Christian Guardian does not provide his burial record. A church record of his burial may exist, or perhaps a notice in a local newspaper. While we do not have a place of burial for Jeremiah, it is highly doubtful that he was buried in a cemetery other than the White Brick Church Cemetery.

Death reg. 018571-87 Ancaster Twp., Wentworth Co.
Jeremiah Dawdy died September 19th, 1887, age 87.
Farmer. Methodist. Born Canada.
Physician and informant Dr. John Brandon, physician, Ancaster.
Date return registered September 22nd, 1887. 

Children of Jeremiah Dawdy and Sarah Ann Vansickle

Last Edited5 May 2021