Elizabeth Drake

ID # 7845, (1813-1837)
FatherReuben Drake (1775-1860)
MotherElizabeth (--?--) (1776-1855)
BirthElizabeth Drake was born on 30 October 1813. 
DeathShe died on 1 May 1837 at age 23. 
BurialShe was buried at Jerseyville Cemetery, Ancaster Township, Wentworth Co.. 
NoteFor the following see the transcription of Jerseyville Cemetery as done by the Hamilton branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society.

Page 17, stone 194, records the death of Elizabeth, daughter of Reuben and Elizabeth Drake, on May 1, 1837. Her age is given as 23 y, 6 m, 1 d.

Her date of birth is calculated from this. 
Last Edited5 Mar 2020