Catharine McCall
ID # 7154, (1782-1858)
Birth | Catharine McCall was born in 1782 at Schenectady, New York. |
Marriage | She married Daniel Anderson. |
Death | She died on 23 April 1858. |
Burial | She was buried at Maus Cemetery, South Dumfries Twp., Brant Co.. |
Note | Catharine's date of death, 23 April, 1858, is as it appears on the family's gravestone in Maus-Paris Plains Cemetery. An obituary has not been found and we do not have a place of death, though she probably died in South Dumfries.
The family's gravestone records her maiden name as McCall and tells that she was born in 1782 in Schenectady, N.Y. Her age at time of death was said to be 76 and the stone is said to have been erected by her daughters. |