Christophe Freidrich Muehleisen

ID # 6870, (1820-)
BirthChristophe Freidrich Muehleisen was born on 29 November 1820 at Graben in Badich, Germany. 
BaptismHe was baptized on 2 December 1820 at Eningen, Wurttemberg, Germany. 
MarriageHe married Ferdinande Hespeler, daughter of Johann Georg Hespeler and Anna Barbara Wick, on 23 July 1846 at Eningen, Wurttemberg.
Familysearch presents a database, Deutschland Heiraten, 1558-1929, transcription only.

Christoph Friedrich Muehleisen, date of birth 29 Nov, 1820. Spouse's name Ferdinande Hespeler, born 10 June 1823 at Gernsbach.
Marriage place Eningen, Wurttemberg.
Parents of groom Simon Muehleisen and Anna Marie Hespeler
Parents of bride Johann Georg Hespeler and Anna Barbara Wick.
Neither previously married.
NoteFamilysearch presents a database (transcription only) entitled Deutschland Geburten und Taufen, 1558-1898

This shows the birth of Christoph Friedrich Muehleisen on 29 Nov 1820 at Graben in Badich, and his Christening on 02 Dec 1820, at Eningen, Wurttemberg, Germany.
Parents Simon Muehleisen and Anna Maria Hesplerin.

It may be that he was at some level a cousin of his wife, Ferdinande Hespeler.

Ferdinande appears as a widow at the time of the 1851 census in Canada. She is in the household of her sister, Charlotte Hespeler Beck, in Preston. Her surname, that of her first husband, is unreadable, but once her first husband's name was found it is obvious that this is the name with which she is shown on this page.

A death record for Christophe has not been found, but probably happened in Germany. A record has been found of their having had a daughter, but she does not appear in the Canadian record so she was also probably deceased before Ferdinande came to Canada. 

Child of Christophe Freidrich Muehleisen and Ferdinande Hespeler

Last Edited11 May 2020