Mary Ann Gilder

ID # 6001, (1854-1938)
BirthMary Ann Gilder was born on 13 August 1854 at Yorkshire, England. 
MarriageShe married William Henry Green on 15 June 1870 at Mount Forest, Wellington Co., Ontario.
Mrge reg. Mount Forest, Wellington County
William Green, 22, bachelor, laborer, no church. Born England, residing Arthur. Parents John and Ann Green.
Mary Ann Gilders, 18, spinster, no church. Born England, residing Arthur. Parents Charles and Moriah Gilders.
Witnesses Margaret Eversons and Thomas Baerllec, both of Arthur.
On June 15, 1870, at Mount Forest, by James B. Calder.
MarriageShe married Henry Morden, son of Ralph Morden and Mary Ann Vrooman, on 25 February 1902 at Arthur Village, Wellington Co..
Mrge reg. 017644-02 Arthur Village, Wellington Co.
Henry Morden, 51, widower, farmer, English Church. Born Garafraxa, residing Arthur Village. Parents Ralph Morden and Mary A. Vrooman.
Mary Ann Green, 48, widow, born Yorkshire, residing Arthur Village. Parents Chas. Gilder and Maria Garton.
Witnesses Geo. Emerson and Rachel Colwill, both of Arthur (village or township not stated.)
On Feby 25, 1902, at Arthur Village, by Rev. F. A. P. Chadwick.
DeathShe died on 1 May 1938 at Arthur Village, Arthur Township, at age 83. 
BurialShe was buried on 4 May 1938 at Greenfield Cemetery, Peel Township, Wellington Co.. 
NoteDeath reg. 036291-38 Arthur Village, Wellington Co.
Mary Ann Morden died on May 1, 1938, at Arthur Village (also her residence.) Widowed. Born England on August 13, 1854. Age 83 years, 8 months, 17 days. Husbands name Henry Morden (second husband). Father Charles Gilder, born England. Mother's name not given. Informant Henry Green, Arthur, son. Physician J. R. Russell. Informant Henry Green, Arthur.
Burial Greenfield Cemetery, Arthur, on May 4, 1938.

Mary Ann Gilder is buried with her first husband in Greenfield Cemetery. Just is just accross the township line in Peel Township. The Guelph branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society transcribed this cemetery and the inscription on the family stone is of some interest.


Page 38 Welling/Peel/Greenfield: St. Paul's Section

IMO William H. Green died May 12, 1899 aged 54 yrs.
His wife Mary Ann Gilder died May 1, 1938 aged 83 yrs
Here lie the Bill and Mary Ann whose eartly struggles provided the inspiration for H. Gordon Green's novel 'A time to Pass Over' Now considered one of the classic writings about pioneer life inCanada the Canadian Authors Ass'n Aug. 1972 on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Village of Arthur.

Last Edited3 Nov 2017