Mary Katherine Buchanan

ID # 5310, (1855-1935)
FatherArchibald Buchanan (1822-1898)
MotherMary McGregor (1827-1886)
BirthMary Katherine Buchanan was born on 3 July 1855 at Galt, Waterloo Co., Canada West. 
MarriageShe married Charles John Hayes on 29 June 1873 at Winslow, Stephenson County, Illinois.
Information as to Mary Katherine Hayes marriage is provided by a family member.
DeathShe died on 24 March 1935 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, at age 79. 
BurialShe was buried at Inglewood Park Cemetery, Inglewood, Los Angeles, California. 
NoteFind-a-Grave provides the place of burial for Mary Katherine Buchanan and her husband Charles John Hayes as well as their dates and places of birth and death. 
Last Edited28 Jun 2017