Rufus Dodge

ID # 493, (1813-1893)
BirthRufus Dodge was born on 27 March 1813 at Hartland, Vermont. 
MarriageHe married Mary Ann Jones, daughter of James Jones and Hannah Goodale, on 26 February 1835 at Beverly Township, Gore District, Upper Canada.
See notes for Rufus Dodge for source for date and place of marriage.
DeathHe died on 12 November 1893 at Chesaning, Michigan, at age 80. 
NoteThe following clippings, which give an excellent background biographyfor Leonard and Rufus Dodge, are from The Lowell Public Library of Lowell, Indiana: (

Rufus S. Dodge (1813-1893)
A copy of the following unidentified newspaper article was found in a scrapbook owned by Town Historian Richard Schmal:

Rufus S. Dodge, son of Paul and Jerushia Dodge, was born March 27th, 1813, in the town of Hartland, Vermont. Died at the residence of his daughter Mrs. John M. Thomas, Chesaning, Mich., Sunday, Nov. 12th, 1893, aged 80 years, seven months and 15 days.

He spent his early life with his parents at his New England home until the year 1834 when he started out on life's journey for himself, and went to Beverly township, Wentworth county, Canada, where he was united in marriage to Mary Ann Jones, Feb. 26, 1835, and they lived and worked together for upwards of 54 years. His wife died in Chesaning May 14, 1889. During the rebellion of Canada in the year 1837 and '38 he took part as private soldier on the side of the government. In the year 1863 he with his wife and unmarried children left Canada and moved to the township of Brady, in this county and undertook the business of farming and lived there until the year 1865, when he moved to this place and remained here up to his death. Four children survive him, Mrs. Atkinson now of British Columbia, Mrs. Charles W. Smith of Sellwood, Oregon, Mrs. William P. Dredge and Mrs. John M. Thomas of Chesaning.

His daughters and their husbands hereby express to kind friends and neighbors their most earnest thanks for their kindness in assisting them to bury their dead, and special thanks are hereby extended to friends for their beautiful floral offerings; and may God, the good, the kind, the loving, the just, the independent and the omnipotent ever bless and prosper us all, is the earnest prayer of the relatives.

And O! thou cold hand of death unlock for us all the portals of eternal life, and whilst our body rests in the bed of earth, say not good night, but in some brighter clime, bid us all good morning. 

Children of Rufus Dodge and Mary Ann Jones

Last Edited24 May 2014