Susan Kitchen

ID # 3938, (1797-1872)
BirthSusan Kitchen was born in January 1797. 
MarriageShe married Jeremiah Wilber
DeathShe died on 27 November 1872 at age 75. 
BurialShe was buried at St. George Baptist Cemetery. 
NoteA death registration for Susan has not been found. Her gravestone in St. George Baptist Cemetery has survived and it dates her death to November 27, 1872. It shows her age as being 75 years and 11 months.

From this we calculate her birth to January of 1797 or December of 1796.

Her gravestone states that she is the wife of Jeremiah Wilber, but he does not appear to be buried with her. See notes under Jeremiah.

We find Susan's maiden name of Kitchen from the death registration of her daughter Susan Catharine Wilber who died in Granger, Yakima, Washington State, on 13 June, 1915. This provides her parents' names.

The Kitchen name appears in Dumfries Township as of the 1832 census of the township east of the Grand River (see MS700 reel 1.) Two Kitchen men, Richard and Edward, appear in the 1828 list of members of the 4th Regiment of Gore Militia (see Men of Upper Canada, Militia Nominal Rolls, 1828-1829, Elliott, Walker, and Stratford-Devai, 1995, Toronto, Ontario Genealogical Society.) Wilbers do not appear in this list.

What follows, while probable, is unconfirmed.

As shown in the marriage notes for daughter Susan Catharine, one of the witnesses for the marriage was Martha Kitchen of Grimsby.

The 1861 census shows present in South Dumfries with the household of Susan Kitchen Wilber a Jacob Kitchen, age 61, and a Martha Kitchen, age 18. Both are shown as being of Grimsby. Jacob was probably Susan's brother and Martha young Susan Catharine's first cousin.

The May 9th, 1872, issue of the Canadian Baptist (formerly the Christian Messenger) records the marriage of Martha, second daughter of Deacon Jacob Kitchen, to David Davis. The marriage was held at the Baptist Chapel at Beamsville in the presence of '700 witnesses'.

This entry is confirmed by by a marriage registration which dates the marriage to 25 April, 1872. One of the witnesses was a Susan Bell of St. George. Martha's parents are said to be Jacob and Jane Kitchen.

A cursory examination of marriage and census information makes it quite clear that the family was Baptist. Which brings us to the interesting point that there was a burial plot in St. Andrew's Anglican Church at Grimsby that belongs to the Dennis and Kitchen families. Therein are buried Jacob and his wife Jane. Jane's maiden name was apparently Dennis. (See page 53 of OGS publication 3330, Transcription of St. Andrew's Anglican Church Cemetery, 154 Main Street West, Grimsby, Ontario, Ruby Johnson and Jean Petersen, 1985. This is available from the Niagara Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society.)

For the following also see OGS publication 3384, Mt. Osborne Cemetery, Beamsville, Clinton Township, Lincoln County, 1995 rev. 2011, and available from the Niagara Branch, OGS. Page 24 shows a Davis plot. Martha Kitchen's dates of birth and death are June 6, 1843 - July 12, 1927.

Martha's death registration shows her father's place of birth as Grimsby and her mother's place of birth as Port Dover. It shows her mother's maiden name as Dennis.

These notes are entered for further research and not intended as being definitive. 

Children of Susan Kitchen and Jeremiah Wilber

Last Edited18 Jun 2018