Ann Eliza Babcock

ID # 3819, (1838-1916)
FatherElisha Babcock (-1840)
MotherAnn Lawrason (1797-1880)
BirthAnn Eliza Babcock was born on 26 February 1838. 
MarriageShe married Benson Sterling on 30 October 1856.
We take the date of the marriage of Benson Sterling and Ann Eliza Babcock from The Sterling Genealogy, Albert Mack Sterling, 1909,
The Grafton Press, New York, page 741. It shows Benson as marrying Ann Eliza Babcock on 30 October, 1856, and shows her as the daughter of Elisha and Anna (Laweason) Babcock. Of course, Anna's maiden name is Lawrason. The story goes on to say that the family moved to Bay City, Michigan, in 1886.
DeathShe died on 9 November 1916 at Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan, at age 78. 
BurialShe was buried on 11 November 1916 at Oakhill Cemetery, Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan. 
NoteThe 1861 census at Charlotteville Township shows Benson and Ann Eliza Sterling with two children. Also with them is Ellen Babcock. Ellen is the daughter of Ann Eliza's older brother John and his wife Isabella. Ellen is in Lambton County by 1867 where she marries Enoch Cornell on January 3. He is 19, resident in Bosanquet and born in Beverly. His parents are Andrew and Eliza Ann. She is 18 and resident in Bosanquet and born in Dumfries and her parents are shown as John and Isabel. The witnesses were Andrew and Eliza A. Cornell, probably his parents. This marriage record may be found on microfilm MS248 reel 8, Vol. 24, page 81.

As mentioned under the marriage notes for Benson and Ann Eliza, in 1886 they moved to Bay City, Michigan.

Death registration
Kent County, Grand Rapids
Ann Eliza Sterling died Nov. 9, 1916, at 106 Luton Ave., Grand Rapids. Born Feb. 26, 1839. Age 77 yrs., 8 mos., 12 dys. Born Canada. Parents ...Babcock and Ann Lawrison, both born New York (incorrect - Ann Lawrason at least was born in Upper Canada.) Informant Miss Grace Sterling, 106 Luton Ave. Burial Nov. 11 at Oak Hill Cemetery. 
Last Edited10 Jan 2019