Elizabeth Able

ID # 367, (1813-1882)
FatherDavid Able (1786-1858)
MotherMary Dineen (1790-1868)
BirthElizabeth Able was born on 17 June 1813 at United States. 
MarriageShe married John Cumming in 1841.
The very little we know of Elizabeth Abel's marriage to John Cumming is taken from Vol. 8, Obituaries From The Canada Christian Advocate, 1873-1884, Donald A. McKenzie, Global Heritage Press, 2007.

The book transcribes her obituary from the March 7, 1883, issue of the Canada Christian Advocate, page 6. It simply states that she married John Cumming of Beverly in 1841. It says that she joined the 'Troy appointment of the ME Ch. in her youthful days.' Since the Methodist Episcopal Church was at Troy, probably the marriage was held at Troy.
DeathShe died on 1 November 1882 at Beverly Township at age 69. 
BurialShe was buried at Troy Cemetery. 
NoteThe names of the children of John and Elizabeth Cumming are taken from the 1861 census for Beverly, page 41. The birth years, where other sources have not been specifically found, are based on this census.

Death reg. 019375-82 Beverly Twp., Wentworth Co.
Elizabeth Cumming died Nov. 1st, 1882. (Here, Wallace McDonald, township clerk, entered Elizabeth's age, but then struck out her years - age 69 years, 4 m., 14 d.) Widow of late John Cumming. Born United States. Cause of death consumption 4 years. Informants (unusually, two of them) D. Mainwaring (her doctor), St. George, and Rev. James Webb, Beverly. Elizabeth is shown as a Methodist. Registration date Nov. 25, 1882.

(It should be noted that Elizabeth's gravestone in Troy Cemetery is quite readable and states that she died in her 70th year - see CanGenWeb for a photo - so age 69, as written on on her death registration, though stroked out, seems to be correct.)

Elizabeth was the eldest child of David Abel and Mary Dineen. Since, according to the above death registration, she was born in the U.S., then it would appear that David and Mary were married in the U.S. prior to their coming to Canada.

We take Elizabeth's date of birth from her obituary Elizabeth's as quoted in Donald A. McKenzie's Vol 8, Obituaries From The Canada Christian Advocate, 1873 to 1884,page 59, which reads as follows:

Cumming, Mrs. Elizabeth - Elizabeth Abel was b. June 17, 1813, joined Troy appointment of the ME Ch. 'in her youthful days', and belonged to that congregagtion for the rest of her life. In 1841, she md John C., who lived in Beverly tp. On Nov. 1, 1882, her son, John, found her dead in bed; pdc by her hd some y. previously; svd by 5 sons and 2 drs. She was bd in Troy Cem. (Ref. is also made to a bro, Wesley, of Brantford, whom she had visited a short time before her death.) - March 7, 1883. 6, O.

The five sons and two daughters, as shown in Elizabeth's obituary, agree with the information as presented in the 1861 census taken in Beverly Township. 

Children of Elizabeth Able and John Cumming

Last Edited8 Aug 2016