Jennett Robertson

ID # 3394, (1825-1898)
BirthJennett Robertson was born on 19 February 1825 at Nelson Township. 
MarriageShe married George Mulholland, son of Hugh Mulholland and Mary Wedge, on 19 February 1850.
Our source for the date of marriage between George Mulholland and Jennett Robertson is Vol. 12, Obituaries From the Christian Guardian, 1896 to 1900, Donald A. McKenzie, Global Heritage Press, 2013, page 293.

See notes under Jennett.
DeathShe died on 4 May 1898 at C2-L10, Beverly Twp., Wentworth Co., at age 73. 
BurialShe was buried at Troy Cemetery. 
NoteThe following is found in Vol. 12, Obituaries From the Christian Guardian, 1896 to 1900, Donald A. McKenzie, Global Heritage Press, 2013, page 293.

Mulholland, Mrs. Jennett, nee Robertson, was b. in Nelson tp., Feb. 19, 1825, and joined the M.C. (Methodist Church) at an early age. On Feb. 19, 1850, she md. George M. They had 5 chn. all of whom are living and members of the M.C. She died in Beverley tp. May 4, 1898, pdc. by her husband. - Aug. 17, 1898, p. 519.


Marriage registrations of some of the children of George and Jennett provide us with Jennett's maiden name:

McKendree Mulholland married Helen Clark in Beverly Township in 1875. The marriage registration shows the names of McKendree's parents as George Mulholland and Janet Mulholland. Written in under Janet's name is her maiden surname Robertson. This was almost certainly entered by Wallace McDonald, township clerk, on his own account. He tended to be assiduous about such matters.

Again, in 1888, son Walter Mulholland was wed to Aramintha Chambers. Here as well, Walter's parents are shown as George Mulholland and Jenett Robertson. The writing for this record as for the above record is in the handwriting of Wallace McDonald, though the manner of entry seems to indicate that the information was provided by the clergyman informant.

Death reg. 022854-98 Beverly Township, Wentworth Co.
Jennett Mulholland died May 4, 1898, age 73, at C2-L10, Beverly. Widow of Geo. Mulholland. Born Ontario. Informant McK. Mulholland.

The Hamilton Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society provides us with a transcription of Troy Cemetery. George Mulholland's stone, much earlier erected, was legible at the time of the transcription. Next to George's stone is a stone marked illegible. We must believe this to be Jennett's stone. Until contrary information is found, we show Jennett in this tree as being buried in Troy Cemetery.

A rather earlier transcription of Troy Cemetery was done by Harley Misener, but is of no assistance to us with Jennett's stone. 

Children of Jennett Robertson and George Mulholland

Last Edited27 Jan 2020