Zelinda Wells

ID # 3355
MarriageZelinda Wells married Daniel Corson, son of Daniel Corson and Rebecca Lawrason, on 10 October 1832 at London District.
MS248 reel 3, Vol. 16, page 1
London District

Extracted from a list of marriages as submitted by Rev. Abraham Sloot (Calvinist Baptist Church). The list covers marriges from July 10th, 1832, to July 10th, 1833.

(The page is damaged along left hand side and given names of grooms and brides are missing. See The Marriage Registers of Upper Canada / Canada West, Vol. 4: Part 1, LondonDistrict, 1795-1841, compiled by Dan Walker & Fawne Stratford-Devai, Global Heritage Press, Milton, Ontario, 2000, page 33. The groom's name is Corson and the bride's Wells. They authors interpret them as being Daniel and Zelina. Spelling of the bride's name aside, it's a reasonable interpretation.)

(Daniel) Corson,of Malahide, to (Zelin)a Wells, of Westminster. 10 Oct. 1832, by banns. Rev. Sloot. Wit. John Wells and Tilmond Olds.

The same marriage is transcribed in The History of the County of Middlesex, 1889, and it reads:

Oct 10, 1832 - Daniel Corson to Zelinda Wells. Witnesses J. Wells and T. Olds.

It notes that Abraham Sloot of the Calvinist Baptist Church was the officiating clergyman.

Rev. Sloot was located in Westminster Township, near the town of London. Typically, marriage locations aren't shown in these listings, but, since the bride was of Westminster (Township), this is likely where the marriage was performed.

Children of Zelinda Wells and Daniel Corson

Last Edited15 Nov 2019